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Monday, September 27, 2004

I have made a dession

Now I have made decision that I will concentrate more on design. I have to learn more about class design and use case design the things what i have learnt are not enough. Today i have learnt about association, abstraction, composition, aggregation and specialization.
Association:- kind of relationship or link between classes. Associations are further documented by stereotypes + roles + multiplicities + constraints + descriptive names + aggregation indicators + navigability indicators. [ uml.coll0.gif ] [ uml.coll1.jpg ] [ ] [ uml.association.gif ] [ ]
Composition:- composition::= a strong form of the 'has_a' or APO relation so that deleting the whole automatically removes the parts as well. Composition fits when objects of one class are made up of parts that are objects of other classes, for example when they are implemented using fields in structures, items in records, columns in a data base, or pieces of a document. However, in some cases, the responsibility for keeping an object alive changes during that objects life, and so that objects class would be shown as being parts of several different compositions. [ clock2.gif ] [ uml.period.gif ] [ ]
Aggregation: - aggregation::=a way that one class can refer to another class without having possession of it + a weak form of 'has-a' / APO link + if the whole object is an aggregation then deleting it does not effect the existence of the aggregated part. An open diamond at one end of a link shows this relationship. The other end may have an arrowhead indicating the link can be navigated in one direction only.
Specialization:- When we derive a class from an existing class and add some functionality to it becomes a specialization

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Chalenging Phase

This year i had great achievements in this year. I worked with VB3 to VB6 porting and FORTRAN to digital FORTRAN. In the December of 2000 i had a trip to US. Which I worked on cad package written in VC++ and written some Com components in VB6.0. I had a very good experience while working with that. I enjoyed my stayed in the US.
After that i have worked on JAVA. I have learnt java and brought a computer at home.
In may 2000 i worked a big project which is a Unix to NT porting which i had written relevant C-Win32 sdk code for UNIX Shell scripts got a very good exposure with SDK commands of WIN32.
This went on 6 months. Then i was put into another project form which i got very good exposure on Datawarehosing concepts and started working on Business objects.
This went on one year.
This time my focus is shifted to Visio automation and the relevant add-ins which help in editing the Visio map. I explored to Visio automation to maximum extent.

The days when i joined Infotech 1st May 1997

My Project at InfoTech was a VB 3 Project and MS access Project. Which i was working on Windows 3.1.I used to spend upto 1 'o' clock in the night at office when i started my career. That was my initial step towards learning process.