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Friday, December 28, 2007

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation Error

When running IBM rational product or Websphere inupdates you may get the following error

Current configuration contains errors that are not corrected by the requested operation and more errors would be introduced

You can solve this problem by using procedure

I came across this error i solved this way

Go to the directory where your product is installed
updater\eclipse\rpu.exe -init -nosplash
type: updater\eclipse\rpu.exe # then proceed as usual.
This is given in IBM site

rpu is rational product updater

Friday, November 09, 2007

Documentum 6 new features

I have been working on documentum for quite a long time. I have worked on documentum 5.3. Which used web services. Now Documentum 6.0 has support for SOA.
The following are features.
retrieving, updating, and deleting repository objects. Copy and move operations are also available.
Version Control Service: provides operations such as checkin and checkout that concern object versions.
Query Service: provides operations for obtaining data from repositories using ad-hoc queries.
Schema Service: provides operations for examining repository metadata (data dictionary).
Search Service: provides operations concerning full-text and property-based repository searches.
Workflow Service: provides operations that obtain data about workflow process templates and an operation for starting a workflow process instance.

This article is by pawan kumar which came in CMS Wire.
It can found at

Monday, August 20, 2007

Abstract Factory Applicable Scenarios and

Abstract Factory Applicable Scenarios
The system needs to be independent of how its objects are created,composed, and represented.The system needs to be configured with one of a multiple family of objectsThe family of related objects is intended to be used together and thisconstraint needs to be enforced.You want to provide a library of objects that does not show implementationsand only reveals interfaces
J2EE Technology Features and J2SE API Association
Data Access Object (Sun)Value Object Assembler (Sun)Builder Applicable senarios
The algorithm for creating a complex object needs to be independent of thecomponents that compose the object and how they are assembled. The construction process is to allow different representations of theconstructed object.
javax.ejb.EJBHome javax.ejb.EJBLocalHome javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory javax.jms.TopicConnectionFactory
CompositeThe following scenarios are most appropriate for theComposite pattern:¦ You want to represent a full or partial hierarchy of objects.¦ You want clients to be able to ignore the differences between the varyingobjects in the hierarchy.¦ The structure is dynamic and can have any level of complexity: for example,using the Composite view from the J2EE Patterns Catalog, which is usefulfor portal applications.
Decorator Applicable Scenarios
You want to transparently and dynamically add responsibilities to objectswithout affecting other objects.¦ You want to add responsibilities to an object that you may want to change inthe future.¦ Extending functionality by subclassing is no longer practical

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Nice article on entity framework.

Nice article on entity framework.

What is entity framework

Teams build software, not developers. Different members of a team think of data differently. For example:
Developers think in class diagrams
Analysts think in OR diagrams
DBAs think in ER diagrams

Is There a Solution?
At the core of the Entity Framework is an Entity Data Model (EDM). The EDM is meant to be the common grammar in which different fiefdoms. The EDM defines a language for describing data without having to describe the storage of that data. On top of the EDM is a set of services that work to enable manipulation of the data in beneficial ways throughout an organization

This is a nice article on server the link.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Adapter Variations

// Variations on the Adapter pattern.
package adapter;
import junit.framework.*;

class WhatIHave {
public void g() {}
public void h() {}

interface WhatIWant {
void f();

class SurrogateAdapter implements WhatIWant {
WhatIHave whatIHave;
public SurrogateAdapter(WhatIHave wih) {
whatIHave = wih;
public void f() {
// Implement behavior using
// methods in WhatIHave:

class WhatIUse {
public void op(WhatIWant wiw) {

// Approach 2: build adapter use into op():
class WhatIUse2 extends WhatIUse {
public void op(WhatIHave wih) {
new SurrogateAdapter(wih).f();

// Approach 3: build adapter into WhatIHave:
class WhatIHave2 extends WhatIHave
implements WhatIWant {
public void f() {

// Approach 4: use an inner class:
class WhatIHave3 extends WhatIHave {
private class InnerAdapter implements WhatIWant{
public void f() {
public WhatIWant whatIWant() {
return new InnerAdapter();

public class AdapterVariations extends TestCase {
WhatIUse whatIUse = new WhatIUse();
WhatIHave whatIHave = new WhatIHave();
WhatIWant adapt= new SurrogateAdapter(whatIHave);
WhatIUse2 whatIUse2 = new WhatIUse2();
WhatIHave2 whatIHave2 = new WhatIHave2();
WhatIHave3 whatIHave3 = new WhatIHave3();
public void test() {
// Approach 2:
// Approach 3:
// Approach 4:
public static void main(String args[]) {;
} ///:~

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Design Pattern -Builder Pattern

The builder Pattren intent is to Seperate the construction of a complex object from its representation so that the same construction process can create different objects.The builder pattren is useful when several kinds of complex objects.The Builder parttern is useful when several kinds of complex objects with similar rules for assembly need to joined at runtime but results in different object types.It achives this seperating the process of building the object from itsellf.t

The builder pattern creates complex objects in multiple steps instead of in single step as in other patterns.


It permits you to vary an objects internal's internal representation.

It insolates the code for construction and representation

It provides finer control over the construction process.

GOF Creational pattern - Abstract Factory

More than Factory – allows creation of class families
Go to Sears and order a kitchen make-over. Same order request process can yield very different kitchen drawers, doors and hardware
Provide an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes

The abstract factory's intent is to provide an interface to use for creating families of related or dependent or dependent objects without actually specifying their concrete classes. For a given set of related abstract classes, this pattern supplies a technique for creating instances of those abstract classes from an equivalent set of concrete subclasses. On some occasions, you may need to create an object without having to know which concrete subclass of object to create.

The abstract factory pattern is also know as Kit.


It isolates client from concrete classes.

It eases the exchanging of object families

It promotes consistency among objects

The base GOF patterns are divided into 3 types




The Abstract factory pattren come under the creational patterns
J2EE Applicability of Abstract Factory
Value Object Assembler

Thursday, April 26, 2007

To find Number of pages in word document Programatically

To compute no of pages in a word document you can use the following
This gives you the number of pages in the word document
Hope this helps

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Java Bean Generator from Database table

Hi again,
I have written a small utility to generate the java bean classes from exiting tables whihc are present in the database.
You can gerenarate your bean class/Model classes with a click of button.
Hope this helps you

Create a from in VB and keep one text boxes and list box places two command buttons
Here is code

Dim conn As ADODB.Connection
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()Set conn = New ADODB.Connectionconn.Open "xxxx", "xxxx", "xxxx"Dim arr As ADODB.Recordsetconn.CursorLocation = adUseClientSet arr = New ADODB.Recordsetarr.Open "select TNAME from tab", conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticDo While Not arr.EOF ListBox1.AddItem (arr.Fields(0)) arr.MoveNextLooparr.Close
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()Dim arr As ADODB.RecordsetDim strValue As StringDim strClassName As StringIf (conn Is Nothing) Then MsgBox "get the tables first", vbCritical Exit SubEnd IfSet arr = New ADODB.RecordsetstrClassName = Replace(ListBox1.Text, "_", "")strValue = "public class " & StrConv(strClassName, vbProperCase) & "{" & vbCrLf
arr.Open "select * " & "from " & ListBox1.Text, conn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimisticFor i = 0 To arr.Fields.Count - 1 Select Case arr.Fields(i).Type Case adNumeric, adInteger, adSingle, 139 strValue = strValue + "private int " & Replace(StrConv(arr.Fields(i).Name, vbLowerCase), "_", "") & ";" + Chr(13) Case adVarChar strValue = strValue + "private String " & StrConv(Replace(arr.Fields(i).Name, "_", ""), vbLowerCase) + ";" + Chr(13) End SelectNextstrValue = strValue & "}"TextBox1.Text = strValuearr.Close
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Click()
End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate()If Not (conn Is Nothing) Thenconn.CloseEnd IfEnd Sub