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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Road Pit hole detection using OpenCV - Part 1


This article is about detecting pit holes on road.It analyses images identifies craks & distresses on road


My friend is a highway engineer. Worked in Chennai,India.He did lot of manual work on identifing pit holes.Survey is done manually employing engineers Measure distresses based on length, depth and area

Java code sniplet
  FeatureDetector blobDetector = FeatureDetector.
  blobDetector.detect(srcImgMat, matOfKeyPoints);

  System.out.println("Detected " +
 matOfKeyPoints.size() + " blobs in the image");

After that i have identified the keypoints, i have plotted them in the original image

We take a video of the road, we will apply same logic to all the frame. This will be done using VideoCapture api of opencv.
Then we calculate the SQFT of the distress/crack. Then we calculate the cost of filling the distress. 
This would reduce rework of laying road and it will last longer.
We can make use of tensorflow to identify the cracks. I will post an article in part 2 article.

Hope you liked it

Monday, November 08, 2010

Webgl - SceneJS

For making secenejs and webgl work together the following steps will be followed. This is an example.

1) Goto this URL

2) Download model google sketchup

3) Open model in google sketchup

4) File --> Export --> 3D Model

5) A file with extension kmz will be saved

6) Extract the file with 7 zip

7) Navigate to the model folder

8) A file with extension .dae will appear

9) Open the file in any text editor(Notepad,Notepad++)

10) In explorer navigate to C:\Users\Raja Sekhar\Downloads\xeolabs-scenejs-utils-ff97cdf\xeolabs-scenejs-utils-ff97cdf\tools\collada-translator

11) Copy the dae file txt and click on translate save it with .js

12) Include the file in html

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Expert status in experts exchange


Now i have got 50,066 points at experts-exchange. They have given me a Master grade




Questions Answered

Overall Points

Earned master status in experts-exchange.
Also a 50,566 points

Thursday, September 02, 2010

The stored procedure expects a parameter error

When executing your stored procedures through Sybase ace driver, you may get an error the stored procedure expects as a parameter even your passing the parameters
Ex getEmployes
assgin parameters to command
execute the command.
you may get an error saying no parameters found for the stored procedure
To resolve this error
you need to assign stored procedure as getEmployees ?,?,? (No of parameters that stored procedure takes)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Installing sharepoint 2010 in Amazon cloud

I have installed sharepoint 2010 on Amazon cloud. Working on cloud was wonderful experience.I have taken windows 2008 server with sql server 2008 already installed on it. With sql server 2008 the config wizard was givining no memory in internal pool.So i have downloaded the setup for sql server Microsoft SQL Server 2008 (SP3) - 10.0.5500.0 (X64) .The configuaration went fine.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Executable UML

Executable UML is a different approach rather than standard UML process.
and is the evolution of the Shlaer-Mellor method[3] to UML
The executable UML consists of

Domain Chart
Class Diagram
Statechart diagram
Action language
Model testing and execution
Model compliation

Using executable UML we can model Platform independent systems. We can verify the system wheather it achieves the specified goals or not.